Monday, December 13, 2010

the GREAT blog debate

I love writing....and when I say writing, I don't mean a two line email.  My emails are never two lines.  When I say that I love writing, I mean that I love the kind that is hearty, thought provoking, fun, and inviting.  Because of this, I've blogged in the past, and have had a glorious time sharing my thoughts with lots of you.  

However, life gets busy and I often found myself forgetting to take the time to do something I love so much.  Then I would scold myself, get back at it, and then fall behind once again.  The vicious cycle kept going and going and going.  The last time I got caught up in the "no time for blogging" mode was last spring after Greg and I got engaged....with work, grad school, planning a wedding, moving, etc. I just found no energy to blog.  

Well, I am now past Grad School, and I am now past planning a wedding, and I am happily sitting in the moments of "Ahhhh....I can breathe again."  Since we got married I have been telling Greg, "I really need to start blogging again..."  I think he's probably heard me say that far too many times.  

But here's the deal.  Starting a new blog is no easy task.  I was attached to my old blog, "Tina Times," because it had a catchy name, a nice sleek look, and it was just comfortable.  But I thought I needed to revamp the blog since my life has been pretty revamped in the last several months.  This doesn't just mean put a new background....but it also means, come up with a new blog title, new picture, new profile, etc.  All of those things, kept me from just starting this blog months ago.  

I kept debating....what color do I want?  What should I name the blog?  What do I want to write about?  The questions kept circling in my head, but I am glad that all of those internal debates have been settled and have this blog up and least for now.  I'm not totally satisfied with how this blog looks visually, but I can deal with it until I have more time to mess around with it!
Until then...the great blog debate has been settled....and I'm glad to be back!